Just about every reputable company in the Fire Protection Industry now provide their customers with after pictures of the key elements and parts of the service provided for their Fire Suppression System. However, the time in which they get them from their provider and the form in which they are delivered can leave something more to be desired. Speaking with hundreds of restaurant managers and business owners over the years, two of the biggest complaints they had with their Fire Protection Inspection Service Provider was the time and manner in which they were provided their after pictures of the Fire Suppression Inspection. This led Boss Fire Protection developing our own process for our technicians to use during each service to ensure detailed documentation of their Fire Suppression System.
Our system is designed so that our technicians collect the same required photos of each service to keep reporting consistent, and to deliver those photos in a way that makes our service understandable and transparent to our clients. Each time a fire inspection service is performed the Fire Suppression System Service Report for the location is completed and uploaded to our system. Each morning after service these pictures are reviewed by our Operations and Account Managers to ensure quality of work then published for the customer to review. This allows our customers to see the results within 24 hours of the work having been performed.
Following each service, Boss Fire Protection sends out an email containing your invoice for the Fire Suppression Inspection Service along with the service report containing pictures from the service which are stored in our system. This allows for quick review of the work performed and provides you with the invoice to process through the proper internal channels.
Part of the Boss Fire Protection commitment to our client base is consistent service. Over the years we have found the best way to provide this to our clients is through proper and consistent training of our Technicians and Management Staff. In order to be able to provide this, we developed Boss Fire University which provides informational resources and videos that allow us to continue to honor our commitment to our clients and grow as a company.
Boss Fire Protection currently works in several Third Party Management Systems listed below.