Commercial Kitchens – Fire and Life Safety Services are Mandatory

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Due to the current pandemic, business owners are being forced to make extreme budget cuts to keep their doors open, their staff employed, and their bills paid. No other industry has been hit harder than the Food and Beverage. The restrictions placed on in-store dining has left business owners reinventing processes and taking risks they may not typically take.

One of the biggest risks that Hood Boss has seen is pushing fire and life safety services (Hood Cleaning, Fire Suppression, Etc.) out past their recommended frequencies. Servicing over 1300 clients across the state of Texas, we unfortunately see how these risky decisions can impact a client’s business.

Recently a client’s staff member, despite the risk, made the decision to push off their wood burning system service from its monthly frequency due to the economic impact their business was seeing from the pandemic. The same decision was made for two more consecutive months. Exactly three months from the recommended service time, we were notified that the client had experienced a fire resulting in the facility shutting down for restoration. The client’s goal was to save money.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Risk vs Reward Comparison

Action Cost Savings Notes
Normal Scheduled Cleaning Service $400 $0 No savings retained but piece of mind of knowing your system is not at risk of fire.
Pushed Service to next cleaning Interval w/o fire $650 minimum $150 If pushed to next service date your current vendor will perform a site visit to assess the excess grease accumulation in your system. This will increase the next service by a minimum of 50% due to the extra time needed to service the system. This cost reflects the best-case scenario on pricing if your system is still in operation.
Pushed Service w/fire $10,000 $-10K plus In this scenario the gamble did not pay off and you experienced a fire in your facility. At a minimum you would be looking at the deductible, Loss of revenue, and Insurance premium increase. Pricing was estimated off of $1000 deductible, $5000 in lost revenue and a $4000 increase in insurance premium. All estimates are figured on the low end.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As you can see from the comparison above, the risk of pushing these services are not worth the reward. Don’t get caught thinking this will not happen to you. Call us today so that we can help you evaluate your system and frequency. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]